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Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, Selçuk University, Konya, Turkey

Determination of bioactive properties and quantitative values of phenolic components of different layers of pineapple fruit

Bestimmung der bioaktiven Eigenschaften und der quantitativen Werte der phenolischen Bestandteile verschiedener Schichten der Ananasfrucht

Nurhan Uslu, Mehmet Musa Özcan


The study aimed to assess the differences in bioactive properties and phenolic compounds by HPLC of pineapple cut into pieces such as core, pulp and peel. Total carotenoid content of the pineapple showed a regular increase from the inner to the outer parts. Total phenolic content reached its highest value (70.98 mg GAE/100 g) in the middle part of the pineapple pulp. This part presented similar trends of antioxidant activity by both DPPH and FRAP. The pineapple peel was rich in total flavonoid content (57.67 mg QE/100 g). The main phenolic compounds of the pineapple were catechin (10.70–18.92 mg/100 g), gallic acid (10.18–17.25 mg/100 g) and ferulic acid (1.40–6.10 mg/100 g). The bioactive properties of the fruit showed differences based on the parts of pineapple. These differences were observed not only in the core, pulp and peel parts, but also in the inner or outer parts of the pulp.

Keywords: Bioactive properties, food analyses, HPLC, pineapple parts, PCA, phenolic compounds

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Arch Lebensmittelhyg 75,
86–91 (2024)
DOI 10.53194/0003-925X-75-86


© M. & H. Schaper GmbH & Co.
ISSN 0003-925X

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