1) Hacettepe University, Department of Food Engineering, Ankara 06800, Turkey;
2) Ankara University, Department of Horticulture, Ankara, 06110, Turkey;
3) Nar Doğal Ürünler Tur. Tic. San. A.Ş. Ümraniye-İstanbul, Turkey
Esmaeil Ghanbari Shendi1), Dilek Sivri Ozay1), Mucahit Taha Ozkaya2), Nimeti Feyza Ustunel3)
In this study, effects of filtration and storage time on the chemical composition and sensory profile of the virgin olive oil extracted from a local olive cultivar named as Tavşan Yüreği grown in Antalya province of Turkey were investigated. The study was carried out during the crop year 2014/2015. “Tavşan Yüreği” olives were collected at early harvest stage and processed into virgin olive oil by using a state-of-the-art mobile olive mill (MOM) equipped with a knife crusher, malaxer and 2-phase decanter. Changes in the free fatty acid composition and peroxide values, UV absorption values, total phenol content, phenolic and tocopherol profiles of filtered (F) and unfiltered (UF) samples were monitored monthly during 12 months of storage. Results showed that both F and UF olive oil samples were classified as EVOO according to the International Olive Council (IOC) standards. Although UF olive oil had higher total phenols content than the filtered sample at the beginning of storage, total phenol contents were comparable in both F and UF olive oils after a year storing. Phenolic and tocopherol contents decreased in all samples with storage time. The results obtained in this study showed that Tavşan Yüreği olive oils has a unique chemical composition as well as good oxidative stability. On the other hand, filtration caused a decrease in the total polyphenol content. Although filtration process had no significant effect on oxidation stability parameters such as free fatty acidity, and peroxide values, but filtration resulted in lighter colored oils. Generally, both filtration process and storage time caused to significant decreases in the amount of tocopherol and total polyphenolic contents of EVOO samples (P<0.01).
F = Filtered monocultivar olive oil was extracted from Tavşan Yüreği; UF = Unfiltered monocultivar olive oil were extracted from Tavşan Yüreği; EVOO = Extra Virgin Olive Oil.
Keywords: Olive oil, Tavşan Yüreği, Stability, Storage, Filtration
Arch Lebensmittelhyg 71,
67–74 (2020)
DOI 10.2376/0003-925X-71-67
© M. & H. Schaper GmbH & Co.
ISSN 0003-925X