Home / Volume 75 / Issue 4 / DOI: 10.53194/0003-925X-75-106
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Monitoring of changes in the macro- and micro-element and heavy metal ­contents of soaked, roasted, boiled chickpea (Cicer arietnum L.) grains and ­processed waters

Überwachung der Veränderungen des Gehalts an Makro- bzw. Mikroelementen und Schwermetallen in eingeweichten, gerösteten und gekochten Kichererbsenkörnern (Cicer arietnum L.) sowie in Verarbeitungswasser

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1 Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Selçuk, 42031 Konya , Turkey
2 Department of Soil Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Selcuk University, 42031 Konya , Turkey
3 Aydoganlar High Vocational College, Department of Veterinary Laboratory, Karapınar-Konya , Turkey

Mehmet Musa Özcan
Department of Food Engineering
Faculty of Agriculture
University of Selçuk
42031 Konya

J. Food Safety Food Qual. 2024 , 75(4), 106–111; https://doi.org/10.53194/0003-925X-75-106

In this study, the effects of different processing ways such as roasting, soaking and boiling on heavy metal, macro and micro element contents of chickpea grains were investigated. P and K amounts of raw (control) and processed chickpea seeds were measured between 59.20 (Boiled chickpea) and 4238.69 mg/kg (control) to 600.77 (Boiled chickpea water) and 7883.69 mg/kg (Dry roasted chickpea), respectively. Fe and Mn amounts of raw (control) and processed chickpea seeds were recorded between 0.59 (Soaked chickpea water) and 58.87 mg/kg (Dry roasted chickpea) to 0.63 (Boiled chickpea water) and 27.04 mg/kg (Dry roasted chickpea), respectively. Al ve As contents of raw and processed chickpea seeds were measured between 0.75 µg/g (Boiled chickpea water) and 17.81 (control) to 3.93 (Boiled chickpea) and 9.50 µg/g (Dry roasted chickpea), respectively. In addition, Pb amounts of chickpea seeds were determined between 0.188 (Boiled chickpea) and 0.928 µg/g (Dry roasted chickpea).

cooking ways
macro-and micro element
heavy metals
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