Home / Volume 73 / Issue 5 / DOI: 10.53194/0003-925X-73-158
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Impact of UV-C and thermal pasteuri­zation on bioactive compounds, sensory ­characteristics and aroma profile of ­traditionally produced koruk vinegar

Auswirkungen von UV-C und thermischer Pasteurisierung auf bioaktive Verbindungen, sensorische Eigenschaften und das Aromaprofil von traditionell hergestelltem Koruk-Essig

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1 Department of Food Technology, Çorlu Vocational School, Tekirdag˘ Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag˘, 59830 , Turkey
2 Department of Food Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Inonu University, Malatya, 44280 , Turkey
3 Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, Tekirdag˘ Namık Kemal University, Tekirdag˘, 59030 , Turkey

Sıla Barut Gök
Department of Food Technology
Çorlu Vocational School
Tekirdag˘ Namık Kemal University
Tekirdag˘, 59830

J. Food Safety Food Qual. 2022 , 73(5), 158–167; https://doi.org/10.53194/0003-925X-73-158

The aim of the study was to examine the effects of UV-C light applied by a designed reactor on bioactive components of traditionally produced koruk vinegar. Furthermore, microbial load, 5-HMF content, the volatile compounds, sensorial attributes and colour of vinegar were assessed. A reduction of 1.29-log CFUmL–1 was achieved in total aerobic bacteria by applying a dose of 262.4 mJcm–2. A total of 22 volatile compounds were determined in the traditionally produced vinegar. Among bioactive compounds, only total phenolic content changed significantly during UV-C treatment while antioxidant activity, total flavonoid and ascorbic acid content was not affected. Although the characteristic pungent sensation, aromatic intensity and richness in aroma of pasteurized vinegar significantly decreased, a non-significant difference in the sensorial properties was determined in all UV-C irradiated vinegar. UV-C treatment has potential for non-thermal pasteurization of koruk vinegar compared to thermal one due to the more preservative of its fresh-like characteristics.

Koruk vinegar
UV-C light
bioactive component
aroma profile
sensory attributes
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