Production of spreadable cheese without emulsifying salt: addition of black carrot concentrate
Herstellung von Streichkäse ohne emulgierendes Salz: Zugabe von Schwarzkarottenkonzentrat
Emine Okumus
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Food Engineering
Van Yüzüncü Yıl University
In this study, spreadable cheeses were produced without the use of melting salt. Cheese samples were produced under negative control, positive control (with 2 % w/w strawberry powder and 3 % w/w sugar) and with the addition of two different percentages of black carrot concentrate (5 % and 10 %). Samples were both packaged with the vacuum and non-vacuum packaging system. Within a 45 days storage period, the physicochemical, textural, and sensorial properties, and the effect of packaging on the sample properties were simultaneously investigated. According to the ascertained results; cheese samples with fruit concentrate were found to be more favourable in terms of sensorial and textural. The addition of fruit concentrate was aimed to make cheese consumption more popular especially among children.