Stressbezogene Parameter bei Pferden Sulfonamides in meat and honey Educational intervention programme for Sri Lankan food handlers Properties of Erzurum Butters
Zeit-Temperaturprofile in der Verpflegungslogistik UV-C irradiation of papaya Mycorrhized maize grain in the diet of dairy cows Artichoke leaf extract in Sardine fish patties
Atmospheric pressure plasma against eggshell-related bacteria Influences of filtration and storage time on olive oil Hygienic measures for decreasing Salmonella prevalence in turkeys
Decontamination of cheese by pulsed UV light Microbiological quality of milk desserts Edible chitosan-based coating
Tick-borne encephalitis virus transmission via milk and milk products Inhaltstoffe von Ziegenmilch Microbial quality of a Turkish confectionary Effects of air and water immersion chilling on broiler carcasses
Smart film labels for assessing the storage quality of peppers Probiotic potential of microbiota from sheep ham Spreadable cheese without melting salt Parameters of Döner-Kebab during the cooking process